Real Time Traffic Information
Precise information on the current traffic situation: with Real Time Traffic Information you have the traffic in view. Rush hour, roadworks or holiday tailback – no matter how busy things are – your BMW knows the fastest route and makes sure you arrive relaxed. Spend your valuable time where your heart takes you – be it with your family, friends or simply at a favourite spot.
Real Time Traffic Information (RTTI) keeps you updated on the traffic situation as it develops and to the nearest 100m. The system also calculates what delays are to be expected and recommends detours. This keeps you precisely informed of the traffic situation on the planned route and potential alternative routes at all times. As a result you can react to tailbacks and road closures in good time and avoid them.
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Real Time Traffic Information (RTTI) keeps you updated on the traffic situation as it develops and to the nearest 100m. The system also calculates what delays are to be expected and recommends detours. This keeps you precisely informed of the traffic situation on the planned route and potential alternative routes at all times. As a result you can react to tailbacks and road closures in good time and avoid them.