Anti-lock braking system (ABS)
Even when applying the full force of braking power, the vehicle remains under your complete control thanks to the Anti-lock Brake System. It uses precise regulation of the braking pressure on the individual wheels to ensure that the vehicle can always be steered easily. ABS prevents the wheels from locking, regardless of the road surface’s friction coefficient and the applied brake pressure.
Unexpected obstacles on the lane ahead, a pedestrian suddenly stepping on the road, an abrupt change in traffic or driving conditions: there are many moments when a driver reacts quickly with intense application of the brakes.
At these moments, ABS assists the driver by preventing the wheels from completely locking and applying the optimum braking pressure to the individual wheels, thus ensuring the vehicle can still be steered and shortening braking distances on slippery surfaces. The driver may sense that ABS is functioning by the slight pulsing movement of the brake pedal.
ABS regulates the force of brake pressure on each wheel to provide both maximum braking effectiveness while still allowing the wheel to continue rotating in a controlled way. If the system recognizes that a wheel is locked or almost locked, it momentarily reduces the brake force, letting the wheel rotate, regain traction and thus allowing the vehicle to be steered.
ABS then reapplies the brake pressure. Thanks to modern electronics and intelligent control algorithms, ABS does this with such remarkable speed and smoothness that both braking and steering are simultaneously effective throughout the braking process - and the driver stays in control of the vehicle.
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Unexpected obstacles on the lane ahead, a pedestrian suddenly stepping on the road, an abrupt change in traffic or driving conditions: there are many moments when a driver reacts quickly with intense application of the brakes.
At these moments, ABS assists the driver by preventing the wheels from completely locking and applying the optimum braking pressure to the individual wheels, thus ensuring the vehicle can still be steered and shortening braking distances on slippery surfaces. The driver may sense that ABS is functioning by the slight pulsing movement of the brake pedal.
ABS regulates the force of brake pressure on each wheel to provide both maximum braking effectiveness while still allowing the wheel to continue rotating in a controlled way. If the system recognizes that a wheel is locked or almost locked, it momentarily reduces the brake force, letting the wheel rotate, regain traction and thus allowing the vehicle to be steered.
ABS then reapplies the brake pressure. Thanks to modern electronics and intelligent control algorithms, ABS does this with such remarkable speed and smoothness that both braking and steering are simultaneously effective throughout the braking process - and the driver stays in control of the vehicle.